This web page was produced as an assignment forGenetics 677, an undergraduate course in UW Madison

Phylogeny T-coffee alignment 

Phylogeny ClustalW 

Method: using the “A la Carte” mode from T-coffee alignment was selected, followed by Gblocks alignment curation and visualized with TreeDyn. The convenience of this website allows the building of the tree to be accomplished in one step after customizing the settings

Method: using the “A la Carte” mode from ClustalW alignment was selected, followed by Gblocks alignment curation and visualized with TreeDyn. The convenience of this website allows the building of the tree to be accomplished in one step after customizing the settings.


As we can see the results obtained from the two alignments are almost the same – an interesting observation is the position of the chimpanzee on the phylogenic trees which could be explained by the fact that the provided protein sequence that was used for the alignment was predicted and not complete. In order to confirm the results the procedure was repeated by using the GeneBee TreeTop building program.

TreeTop T-coffee alignment

TreeTop ClustalW alignment

Method:The raw data was aligned using T-coffee (which is Mlalign_id_pair algorythm), the aligned data was converted in Phylis format from the website and used to build a tree from TreeTop website using the default settings

Method: the raw data was aligned using ClustalW algorithm, the aligned data was converted into Phylis format from the Phylogeny fr. Website and used to build a tree from TreeTop website using the default settings


There are not significant differences between the alignment using the two algorithms and two programs. All trees reveal close relations between humans and mice, dog, zebrafish and chimpanzee, which means that the last four species could be used as model organisms to design experiments that can help us understand the mechanism by which GSK3B functions and possible effects that inhibition or activation of the kinase might have in humans.

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1.Phylogeny fr:

2.Gene Bee:

Contact information

This webpage was created by: Eva Dimitrova, [email protected]